e-HAIL Event

What Do We Tell Patients? Designing a Label for AI Tools in Healthcare

Jodyn Platt, MPH, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Learning Health Sciences, U-M Medical School

We are conducting 4-6 virtual public deliberations in Michigan to engage patients and local community members in discussions about the ethical implications of AI in health. Our goals for the deliberations are to: 1)  learn more about the public’s expectations, attitudes, hopes and concerns about the use of AI in healthcare, and 2) identify key questions that the public wants answered about AI tools used in healthcare.  Deliberants will participate in two activities: A survey-based dot voting exercise about important questions about AI tools and design of an AI “information label.”  These activities are under development and will be reviewed interactively during the eHAIL meeting.

Zoom information will be sent to e-HAIL members.


J. Henrike Florusbosch