e-HAIL Members

e-HAIL is a vibrant and diverse community of clinicians and methodologists who are interested in using AI/ML methodologies to do high-impact research on critical healthcare applications.

e-HAIL members participate in twice-monthly research-in-progress meetings, where presenting teams discuss their work, seek feedback from colleagues, and meet potential collaborators in a highly interactive environment.

Ahmed Abdel-Latif, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine, Cardiology

Areas of Expertise: Single cell RNA sequencing.

Autotaxin Inhibition Reduces Post-Ischemic Myocardial Inflammation via Epigenetic Gene Modifications

C-Reactive Protein Levels and Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Two-Sample Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Study

Myeloid-Specific Deletion of Lipid Plpp3 (Phosphate Phosphatase 3) Increases Cardiac Inflammation After Myocardial Infarction

“My passion for artificial intelligence, coupled with my background in biological research, aligns perfectly with eHAIL’s mission to integrate scientific research and AI. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve developed a strong foundation in machine learning techniques and their potential applications in life sciences. My experience in wet lab work and bioinformatics has given me a unique perspective on how AI can revolutionize biological research, particularly in areas such as protein folding prediction and drug discovery. I’m excited by the prospect of contributing to eHAIL’s cutting-edge projects, where I can apply my interdisciplinary skills to tackle complex biological problems using AI-driven approaches. Collaborating with eHAIL’s diverse team of experts would not only allow me to grow professionally but also enable me to make meaningful contributions to the field, potentially leading to breakthroughs that could have far-reaching impacts on human health and scientific understanding.”

Mohamed Abouelenian, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Computer and Information

Areas of Expertise: Affective Computing, Multimodal Interaction, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing. The field of affective computing, which is my primary area of research, is a multidisciplinary field that involves modeling of human behavior, emotions and well-being using AI. This process involves utilizing methods from natural language processing, computer vision and machine learning, as well as collaboration with experts in the health-care research.

Towards Modeling Human Biorhythms Using Non-Invasive Approaches

Towards Autonomous Physiological Signal Extraction From Thermal Videos Using Deep Learning

Non-Contact Based Modeling of Enervation

“As my primary area of research is affective computing, collaborating with experts in healthcare and other experts in computer science and engineering is essential. The field of affective computing is multidisciplinary that deals with developing models for human behavior, emotions and well-being, involving methods from natural language processing, computer vision and machine learning. Given the wide variety of methods used, collaborations with the e-HAIL community allows us to develop competitive proposals and projects that cover the different aspects and dimensions of human behavior. Accordingly, I already started collaborating on different projects and proposals with member of the e-Hail community to model these aspects.”

Andrew Admon, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Critical care epidemiology; health services research; causal inference; observational research methods; clinical data

Beyond Cofounding: Identifying Selection Bias in Observational Pulmonary and Critical Care Research

Predicting Intensive Care Transfers and Other Unforeseen Events: Analytic Model Validation Study and Comparison to Existing Methods

Emulating a Novel Clinical Trial Using Existing Observational Data. Predicting Results of the PreVent Study

“I look forward to engaging in research that uses real-world data to improve the care of hospitalized patients. As a practicing ICU physician, health services researcher, and critical care epidemiologist, I’m eager to partner with colleagues on challenging problems that maximally leverage real-world data and cutting edge methods.”

Alauddin Ahmed, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Machine Learning (ML); Artificial Intelligence (AI), data science; drug-like small molecule discovery & design; materials discovery & design; computational method development

Predicting hydrogen storage in MOFs via machine learning

Machine Learning-Guided Equations for Super-Fast Prediction of Methane Storage Capacities of COFs

“I’m interested in solving pressing healthcare problems in collaboration with the e-HAIL community using my expertise in data science, machine learning, and computational method development. I look forward to engaging in research related to the following areas: 1. Discovery, design, and characterization of drug molecules using machine learning methods. 2. Development of responsible AI systems for healthcare. 3. Understand the role of causal reasoning in health services research.”

Neil Alexander, M.D.
Professor, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics

Areas of Expertise: Wearable sensors, actigraphy

Physical Activity Patterns in Frail and Nonfrail Patients with End-Stage Liver Disease

Reconstruction of Body Motion During Self-reported Losses of Balance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Detection of Real-World Trips in At-Fall Risk Community Dwelling Older Adults Using Wearable Sensors

“I am a geriatrician clinician and am interested in projects evaluating real world function in comorbid, frail older adults, especially using telehealth and wearable sensors.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Xun Huan, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering) Machine Learning Prediction of Balance Impairment for Older Adults Using At-Home Gait Measures

Nazanin Andalibi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, School of Information

Areas of Expertise: Human-centered approaches to AI; societal implications of AI; emotion AI

Data Subjects’ Conceptualizations of and Attitudes Toward Emotion Recognition-Enabled Wellbeing Interventions on Social Media

The Human in Emotion Recognition on Social Media: Attitudes, Outcomes, Risks

“I would like to get to know others who work at the intersection of health and AI and explore collaboration opportunities. I would like to learn more about e-HAIL and how the meetings go before committing to attending 50% of them. Should it become clear that this is a good fit, I would of course participate in an active role. I just cannot anticipate that not having been engaged with this group previously. I appreciate the opportunity to participate and see if this can be mutually enriching.”

Laura Balzano, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Areas of Expertise: Machine learning; modeling with messy data (highly relevant to ML for health); low-dimensional modeling (providing more interpretability for ML for health)

Incremental gradient on the Grassmannian for online foreground and background separation in subsampled video

Tensor Methods for Nonlinear Matrix Completion

HePPCAT: Probablistic PCA for Data With Heteroscedastic Noise

“I hope to identify problems that currently use low-rank / PCA / tensor models as a heuristic, or heuristic methods for imputation, outlier detection, or handling heterogeneity, and try to work out statistical models for what a principled approach would look like, in order to build a deeper understanding of what methodologies should be applied in that context.”

Nikola Banovic, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Human-AI Interaction; explainable and interpretable AI

Behavior Modeling Approach for Forecasting Physical Functioning of People with Multiple Sclerosis

A Bayesian Approach for Quantifying Data Scarcity When Modeling Human Behavior Via Inverse Reinforcement Learning

“My research focuses on creating computational technology that enables delivery of personalized healthcare interventions and prevention strategies to people with chronic conditions in a way that increases healthcare access and equity.”

Lizbeth “Libby” Benson, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Social Research-Data Science for Dynamic Intervention Decision-Making Center

Areas of Expertise: Integration of behavioral theories, intensive longitudinal methods, ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data, and methods for adapting and personalizing mobile health (mHealth) interventions. Personalized mHealth interventions, including just-in-time adaptive interventions. Data visualization.

Associations Between Morning Affect and Later-Day Smoking Urges and Behavior

Sometimes you just can’t: within-person variation in working memory capacity moderates negative affect reactivity to stressor exposure

Quit Stage and Intervention Type Differences in the Momentary Within-Person Association Between Negative Affect and Smoking Urges

“I am interested in leveraging AI techniques to adapt and personalize mHealth interventions, including the use of reinforcement learning algorithms to personalize the content and delivery timing of intervention options and novel ways of data visualizations that promote self-reflection about health behavior changes.

Jasmine Berry, Ph.D.
Computing Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow in AI, Computer Science & Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Precision health and wellness; digital health platforms with IOT services; machine learning and data science analysis for protected health information (PHI)

An Analytical Approach to Posture-Dependent Muscle Force and Muscle Activation Patterns

I would like to join the e-HAIL community to become better acquainted with ongoing projects and ventures at UM. I plan to collaborate with other Ph.D. and M.D. scholars with similar interests in the diagnostic analysis of PHI data. If there is interest among the e-HAIL community members, I can 1) assist in researching multidisciplinary approaches for feasible AI implementation in Health, 2) contribute towards prototyping novel ideas and concepts from research to create functional demos and products, and 3) facilitate aligned collaborations between tech sectors in academia, industry, and business.

Rupa Bhowmick, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Computational biologist who aims to design computational software and pipelines that can maneuver treatment regimens for cancer patients and serve patient care at low resource settings. Focus on RE-SEARCHING and RE-UTILIZING the enormous landscape of high-throughput patient data using advanced data-science techniques to reduce the multi-dimensionality of the problems into lower dimensions in order to clarify the underlying mechanism.

Exploring the differences in metabolic behavior of astrocyte and glioblastoma: a flux balance analysis approach

Differential suitability of reactive oxygen species and the role of glutathione in regulating paradoxical behavior in gliomas: A mathematical perspective

Temporal protein expression pattern in intracellular signalling cascade during T-cell activation: A computational study

“I envision engaging with the e-HAIL community to build a collaborative space where I can interact with the clinicians and fellow data-scientists to identify the global pressing concerns in clinical oncology and solve them as a team.”

Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Artificial intelligence (AI) for social impact; multi-agent systems; machine learning (ML) for conservation and public health

Taking Off with AI: Lessons from Aviation for Healthcare

Predicting Micronutrient Deficiency with Publicly Available Satellite Data

Role of Human-AI Interaction in Selective Prediction

“I am committed to interdisciplinary collaboration, and have a great deal of experience with such collaborations. I am excited to build collaborations with others in the e-HAIL community, and happy to contribute to the community through events and discussions. I’m also eager to work with e-HAIL experts to apply for external funding.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Alex Peahl, M.D., M.Sc, Obstetrics & Gynecology, MM) Supporting Reproductive Health Equity: Understanding Access to Reliable Health Information in the Age of Generative AI

Michael Burns, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology

Areas of Expertise: Mobile health

Association of Anesthesiologist Staffing Ratio With Surgical Patient Morbidity and Mortality

Machine Learning Comes of Age: Local Impact versus National Generalizability

Classification of Current Procedural Terminology Codes from Electronic Health Record Data Using Machine Learning

“I am looking to expand my understanding of machine learning and natural language processing methods and applications.”

Sriram Chandrasekaran, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Precision health and drug discovery using machine learning

Integrative analysis of clinical health records, imaging and pathogen genomics identifies personalized predictors of disease prognosis in tuberculosis

A flux-based machine learning model to simulate the impact of pathogen metabolic heterogeneity on drug interactions

Transcriptomic Signatures Predict Regulators of Drug Synergy and Clinical Regimen Efficacy Against Tuberculosis

“I’m interested in engaging with e-HAIL to utilize cutting edge data science tools for treating infectious diseases.”

Kevin Chung, M.D., M.S.
Professor of Surgery

Areas of Expertise: Clinical outcomes in hand and plastic surgery; health services research; applications of machine learning in surgical decision-making

Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Model Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Identify Scaphoid Fractures in Radiographs

Predicting Persistent Opioid Use after Hand Surgery: A Machine Learning Approach

Development of a Machine Learning Model to Predict the Use of Surgery in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

“My team has developed several machine learning models for use in hand surgery, including models to identify occult scaphoid fractures on radiographs and to predict patients at risk of persistent opioid use after hand surgery. I am interested in collaborating with e-HAIL’s community of AI experts to continue developing AI-driven tools that will advance surgical research and patient care.”

Shirley Cohen-Mekelburg, M.D., M.S.
Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Network analysis; prediction; chronic illness care

Association of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy With Mortality Among Veterans With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Clinical applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning-based methods in inflammatory bowel disease

Variation in Provider Connectedness Associates With Outcomes of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in an Analysis of Data from a National Health System

“My research focuses on chronic disease management and identifying gaps in healthcare delivery for specialty-managed chronic disease populations. I am working towards developing models that facilitate chronic care transitions, support self-management, and improve care quality. I envision collaborating with colleagues in engineering to develop or adapt existing operational frameworks, using prediction methods to facilitate population health management.”

Amy Cohn, Ph.D.
Professor (CoE) and Chief Transformation Officer (MM), Industrial and Operations Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Optimization; healthcare operations

David Conroy, Ph.D.
Professor, Kinesiology

Areas of Expertise: Behavioral intervention development and evaluation for health promotion, largely using mobile/wearable/connected devices and increasingly using AI and related approaches for personalizing behavioral interventions

Engineering Person-Specific Behavioral Interventions to Promote Physical Activity

Person-specific dose-finding for a digital messaging intervention to promote physical activity

Steps towards digital tools for personalised physical activity promotion

“I am a new faculty member and am eager to network to find new collaborators and problems relevant to my expertise and interests.”

Elizabeth Covington, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Medical physics; clinical data standardization; health equity; standardized collected of social determinants of health in EHR; oncology

Open RT Structures: A Solution for TG-263 Accessibility

Operational Ontology for Oncology (O3): A Professional Society-Based, Multistakeholder, Consensus-Driven Informatics Standard Supporting Clinical and Research Use of Real-World Data from Patients Treated for Cancer

Code Wisely: Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Custom Clinical Software

“I have started attending the Friday meetings to learn about potential collaborations with e-HAIL members and applying for grants together.”

Walter Dempsey, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics

Areas of Expertise: Experimental design and data analytic methods to inform sequential decision making in mobile health; application of ML to real world mobile and digital health data

Just-in-Time but Not Too Much: Determining Treatment Timing in Mobile Health

iSurvive: An Interpretable, Event-time Prediction Model for mHealth

The Stratified Micro-Randomized Trial Design: Sample Size Considerations for Testing Nested Causal Effects of Time-Varying Treatments

“I envision collaborating with the e-HAIL community on problems around sequential decision making in e-health areas and leveraging the community’s expertise on AI algorithms as well as running e-health clinical trial to push my research forward.

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Jessica Golbus, M.D., M.S.) The Virtual AppLication-Supported ENvironment To INcrease Exercise During Cardiac Rehabilitation Study (VALENTINE) Study

Brian Denton, Ph.D.
Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Predictive models for the optimization of decision-making; previous work related to chronic diseases and conditions (e.g., prostate cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease)

OR Practice–Data Analytics for Optimal Detection of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Updating Clinical Risk Stratification Models Using Rank-Based Compatibility: Approaches for Evaluating and Optimizing Clinician-Model Team Performance

Dynamic prediction of work status for workers with occupational injuries: assessing the value of longitudinal observations

“The e-HAIL community helps me identify new collaboration opportunities, and I may be able to help identify collaboration opportunities for others based on my professional network.

Paramveer Dhillon, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, School of Information

Areas of Expertise: New AI methods for high-dimensional datasets or domains with “small n” –many health applications fit that criteria

Social status and novelty drove the spread of online information during the early stages of COVID-19

Interdependence and the cost of uncoordinated responses to COVID-19

Subject-specific functional parcellation via Prior-Based Eigenanatomy

“I am highly interested in health applications and have ongoing collaborations with collaborators from Michigan Medicine. I intend to actively participate in future eHAIL meetings to get to know about others’ research and to potentially forge collaborations.”

Ivo Dinov, Ph.D.
Professor, Nursing, Health Behavior & Biological Sciences, and Systems, Populations

Areas of Expertise: AI/ML; data science; mathematical modeling; statistical computing; brain mapping; neuroscience

Data Science and Predictive Analytics – Biomedical and Health Applications Using R

DataSifterText: Partially Synthetic Text Generation for Sensitive Clinical Notes

Kimesurface representation and tensor linear modeling of longitudinal data

“I’m participating in the e-HAIL community, including to partner on education and training proposals as well we ongoing R&D activities.”

Anne Draelos, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor-Medicine, Biomedical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Real-time machine learning, probabilistic ML, latent dynamical modeling, neuroscience

Bubblewrap: Online tiling and real-time flow prediction on neural manifolds

Online Neural Connectivity Estimation with Noisy Group Testing

improv: A software platform for real-time and adaptive neuroscience experiments

“My research goal is to understand computation in large-scale neural circuits through adaptive perturbations and real-time inference. My lab develops scalable and efficient machine learning algorithms to adaptively build models of neural and behavioral data in the streaming setting, and uses them for understanding the mapping between multidimensional neural stimulations and complex behavioral outcomes. My work has overlap with other faculty in the areas of computational, behavioral, sensory, and developmental neuroscience, with potential for exciting collaborations in the field of brain health and neural engineering. “

James Eckner, M.D., M.S.
Associate Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Areas of Expertise: Concussion, clinical expertise that can be partnered with analytical expertise

Predicting Risk of Sport-Related Concussion in Collegiate Athletes and Military Cadets: A Machine Learning Approach Using Baseline Data from the CARE Consortium Study

“I am interested in applying powerful analytical tools tools to clinical data to derive novel, clinically-relevant insights.”

Josh Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Areas of Expertise: Data science; population data; big data analysis; predictive modeling. My work in sensory health and gerontology consists of secondary analysis and primary data collection and will benefit from AI/ML approaches in future grants and projects.


Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Adults Aging with Vision Impairment: The Role of the Neighborhood Environment

Glaucoma and Cognitive Function Trajectories in a Population-based Study: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study

“Through my work with various population based studies, we collect a large amount of data relevant to geriatric health outcomes, including imaging data in some cases. I foresee developing collaborations via e-HAIL that will enable the use of AI/ML in our future work to enable optimal use of complex data to predict aging outcomes. One such example is with the processing and use of various types of retinal images for such applications.”

Jeffrey Fessler, Ph.D.
Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Areas of Expertise: Medical image formation

Image Reconstruction: From Sparsity to Data-Adaptive Methods and Machine Learning

“Most of my group members are working ML methods in the context of medicine (medical imaging).”

C. Alberto Figueroa, Ph.D.
Professor, Surgery

Areas of Expertise: Medical imaging processing; computational modeling; model order reduction; coronary physiology

A Multi-stage Neural Network Approach for Coronary 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated X-ray Angiography Images

American Heart Association Precision Medicine Platform Addresses Challenges in Data Sharing”. Circulation Quality Outcomes

AngioNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Vessel Segmentation in X-ray Angiography

“I’m interested in developing machine learning methods for medical image processing, with the overall goal of extracting anatomical and functional information from medical images such as coronary angiograms.”

Daniel Forger, Ph.D.
Browne Professor, Mathematics

Areas of Expertise: Wearables research, including algorithm development to decode wearable data to score sleep and determine the state of the human circadian clock; new types of AI based on physiology

Consumer-grade wearables identify changes in multiple physiological systems during COVID-19 disease progression

A method for characterizing daily physiology from widely used wearables

Predicting circadian phase across populations: a comparison of mathematical models and wearable devices

“I can provide expertise on the AI/ML side particularly as it applies to physiology, and also on the wearables/app side, especially as it relates to algorithms.”

Lana Garmire, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics

Areas of Expertise: Bioinformatics; computational medicine

ASGARD is A Single-cell Guided Pipeline to Aid Repurposing of Drugs

Emerging artificial intelligence applications in Spatial Transcriptomics analysis

Computational Methods for Single-cell Multi-omics Integration and Alignment

“My research interest lies in applying data science for actionable transformation of human health from the bench to bedside. Current research focus areas include cutting edge single-cell sequencing informatics and genomics; precision medicine through integration of multi-omics data types; novel modeling and computational methods for biomarker research; public health genomics. I would like to collaborate with the broader UM community on precision health and precision medicine to push the needles of clinical diagnosis, management and treatment.”

Irina Gaynanova, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Public Health-Biostatistics

Areas of Expertise: Wearables research (with particular focus on continuous glucose monitors and ABPMs); multi-omics and microbiome data integration; integration of data of mixed types (zero-inflated, binary, continuous): machine learning

Structural Learning and Integrative Decomposition of Multi-View Data

Modeling Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Data During Sleep

Microbial Networks in SPRING – Semi-parametric Rank-Based Correlation and Partial Correlation Estimation for Quantitative Microbiome Data

“I am interested in interdisciplinary science and making an impact by combining my quantitative expertise with clinical and scientific expertise to improve health outcomes and clinical care. I am especially interested in collaborations related to populations with diabetes.”

Anouck Girard, Ph.D.
Professor of Robotics, Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Autonomy; Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions; Image classification problems; Human-robot teams

Expert System for Automated Bone Age Determination. Expert Systems with Applications

Automated Classification System for Bone Age X-ray Images. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

Automated Classification System for Bone Age Images: a Thresholding Approach to Assess the Impact of Sex-Steroid Exposure on Skeletal Maturation During Puberty. Proceedings of the Androgen Excess and PCOS Society

“For the last decade, as a side project, have been working with Professor Kasa-Vubu in the medical school developing an AI to classify bone age images for pediatric endocrinology. I am interested in participating in e-HAIL meetings and discussions.”

Jessica Golbus, M.D., M.S.
Clinical Instructor, Department of Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Using mHealth technologies to improve the delivery of cardiovascular care; optimizing treatments for patients with advanced systolic heart failure

Virtual AppLication-supported Environment To INcrease Exercise (VALENTINE) during cardiac rehabilitation study: Rationale and design

Wearable device signals and home blood pressure data across age, sex, race, ethnicity, and clinical phenotypes in the Michigan Predictive Activity & Clinical Trajectories in Health (MIPACT) study: a prospective, community-based observational study

Microrandomized Trial Design for Evaluating Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions Through Mobile Health Technologies for Cardiovascular Disease

“I currently collaborate with multiple e-HAIL members and anticipate sharing our research with the broader community as well as fostering new e-HAIL member collaborations.”

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Walter Dempsey, Ph.D.) The Virtual AppLication-Supported ENvironment To INcrease Exercise During Cardiac Rehabilitation Study (VALENTINE) Study

Cathy Goldstein, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, Neurology

Areas of Expertise: Sleep; wearables (big data, automation of clinical activities-PSG scoring)

Sleep stage prediction with raw acceleration and photoplethysmography heart rate data derived from a consumer wearable device

Artificial intelligence in sleep medicine: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine position statement

Predicting circadian phase across populations: a comparison of mathematical models and wearable devices

“I’m interested in engaging with teams to incorporate wearables into research.”

Anhong Guo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Human-AI Systems; accessibility; augmented/virtual reality

OmniScribe: Authoring Immersive Audio Descriptions for 360° Videos

StateLens: A Reverse Engineering Solution for Making Existing Dynamic Touchscreens Accessible

Toward Fairness in AI for People with Disabilities: A Research Roadmap

“I’m interested in designing, developing, and deploying hybrid human-AI intelligent interactive systems to provide access to visual information in the real world. By combining the advantages of humans and AI, these systems can enable us to solve problems that are currently impossible with either alone.”

Danielle Haakinson, M.D.
Associate Professor, Surgery

Areas of Expertise: Transplantation and marginal organ utilization, use of informatics to better inform decisions on organ offer acceptance

Inactive Status is an Independent Predictor of Liver Transplant Waitlist Mortality and is Associated with a Transplant Centers Median Meld at Transplant

Time to Procurement and Post-Kidney Transplant Outcomes: How Do We Provide a Personalized Medicine Approach to Optimizing Organ Donation?

Association of Racial Disparities with Access to Kidney Transplant After the Implementation of the New Kidney Allocation System

“Current collaboration with a project in informing organ offer acceptance with multiple members of the e-HAIL community and seeking to mentor students in this project as a health advisor/expert.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Mariel Lavieri, Ph.D., Industrial & Operations Engineering) Optimization of Candidate Selection for Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation

Lubomir Hadjiyski, Ph.D.
Professor, Radiology

Areas of Expertise: Medical image analysis; AI/ML; computerized decision support; cancer diagnosis and treatment response assessment and prediction; observer studies

AAPM task group report 273: Recommendations on best practices for AI and machine learning for computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging

Outcome Prediction Using Multi-Modal Information: Integrating Large Language Model-Extracted Clinical Information and Image Analysis

Bladder Cancer Treatment Response Assessment in CT using Radiomics with Deep-Learning

“I look forward to contributing my experience in medical decision support to the mission of e-HAIL.”

Megan Haymart, M.D.
Professor, Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Cancer health care delivery research with current grant applications incorporating NLP and development of app-like devices

Unmet Information Needs Among Hispanic Women with Thyroid Cancer

Physician management of thyroid cancer patients’ worry

Worry in Thyroid Cancer Survivors with a Favorable Prognosis

“I am a clinician researcher with a focus on cancer care delivery research. My research is shifting towards interventions that incorporate digital health technologies. I look forward to learning from and collaborating with e-HAIL members.”

James Henderson, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Scientist, Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Statistics; machine learning; health services research, EHR and claims data

Using Machine Learning to Predict Suitability for Surgery at an Ambulatory Surgical Center

Predictive Modeling of Virus Inactivation by UV

Weight Loss Treatment and Longitudinal Weight Change Among Primary Care Patients with Obesity

“I look forward to learning from both clinical and methodological colleagues and to contributing at regular e-HAIL meetings. I also envision finding new collaborators, especially in the areas of ML/AI applications to improve the value and delivery of healthcare.”

Xun Huan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Uncertainty quantification; machine learning for scientific applications

A Bayesian Approach for Quantifying Data Scarcity When Modeling Human Behavior via Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Lowering the Computational Barrier: Partially Bayesian Neural Networks for Transparency in Medical Imaging AI

Automated Loss-of-Balance Event Identification in Older Adults at Risk of Falls During Real-World Walking Using Wearable Inertial Measurement Units

“I would like to participate in e-HAIL events and meetings to help support an interdisciplinary approach for tackling complex problems together, and contribute my experience in computational methods, uncertainty quantification, and physical sciences and engineering.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Neil Alexander, M.D., M.S., Internal Medicine – Gerontology, MM) Machine Learning Prediction of Balance Impairment for Older Adults Using At-Home Gait Measures

Dhruv Jain, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Accessibility and AI.

HomeSound: An Iterative Field Deployment of an In-Home Sound Awareness System for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Users

SoundWatch: Exploring Smartwatch-based Deep Learning Approaches to Support Sound Awareness for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users

Nonverbal Sound Detection for Disordered Speech

“I’m interested in pursuing research and collaboration at the intersection of HCI/Accessibility and AI, and look forward to engaging in discussion with e-HAIL members.”

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Michael McKee, M.D., M.P.H., Family Medicine, MM) Mobile Technologies to Improve Healthcare Accessibility for People who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Cornelius James, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Medical education: teaching learners across the medical education continuum to use AI/ML in clinical practice

Machine Learning: The Next Paradigm Shift in Medical Education

Preparing Clinicians for a Clinical World Influenced by Artificial Intelligence

“I am looking to develop educational strategies that will increase clinician trust and comfort with the use of AI/ML in their practice. Interprofessional collaborations will be essential to educating clinicians, and engagement with e-HAIL will provide an opportunity to establish these important relationships.”

Raymond Jean, M.D., M.H.S.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery

Areas of Expertise: Trauma; emergency general surgery; critical care; health services research; machine learning

Towards Dynamic Risk Prediction of Outcomes After CABG: Improving Risk Prediction with Intraoperative Events Using Gradient Boosting

Temporal relationship of computed and structured diagnoses in electronic health record data

“My research focus will involve leveraging clinical data with machine learning to improve perioperative outcomes.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Maggie Maker, Ph,D., CSE, CoE) Incorporating Machine Learning to Determine Casual Effects in Traume and Emergency General Surgery

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Maggie Makar, Ph.D., CSE, CoE) Machine Learning to Determine Causal Effects in Trauma/Emergency General Surgery

David Jurgens, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Information

Areas of Expertise: Natural Language Processing, Generative AI, Computational Social Science

Language in Popular American Culture Constructs the Meaning of Healthy and Unhealthy Eating: Narratives of Craveability, Excitement, and Social Connection in Movies, Television, Social Media, Recipes, and Food Reviews

Work Expectations, Depressive Symptoms, and Passive Suicidal Ideation Among Older Adults: Evidence From the Health and Retirement Study

Suicide Among Older Adults Living in or Transitioning to Residential Long-term Care

“I am interested in working with text and conversation data in the healthcare setting to improve patient care. I hope to present at a e-HAIL meeting and identify future collaborations.”

Pedja Klasnja, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Information

Areas of Expertise: Mobile Health, Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions, Optimization Methods, Implementation Science

Microrandomized trials: An experimental design for developing just-in-time adaptive interventions

Efficacy of contextually tailored suggestions for physical activity: a micro-randomized optimization trial of HeartSteps

Microrandomized trial design for evaluating just-in-time adaptive interventions through mobile health technologies for cardiovascular disease

“I am happy to write grants with e-HAIL members, mentor junior faculty and trainees, and help organize e-HAIL symposia.”

Joseph Kohne, M.D., M.Sc.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics

Areas of Expertise: Prediction modeling and care improvement in Acute Lung Injury in Children, using machine learning techniques to support equitable treatment delivery

Deep Learning Model Performance for Identifying Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome on Chest Radiographs

Tracheostomy Practices and Outcomes in Children During Respiratory Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Big Kids or Little Adults? Acute Lung Injury Research in Adolescents and Young Adults

“I am interested in participating in a collaborative community of investigators with shared opportunities, challenges, and resources to bridge clinicians and researchers, including outside of U-M and to smaller populations (pediatrics).”

Amanda Kowalski, Ph.D.
Gail Wilensky Professor of Applied Economics and Public Policy, Literature, Science, and the Arts

Areas of Expertise: Health Economics, Econometrics

Behavior Within a Clinical Trial and Implications for Mammography Guidelines

Long-Term Impacts of Childhood Medicaid Expansions on Outcomes in Adulthood

Adverse Selection and an Individual Mandate: When Theory Meets Practice

“I am working with e-HAIL members Jenna Wiens (CSE) and Alex Pearl (OBGYN) to predict when pregnant women will be admitted to labor and delivery.”

Anna Kratz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Areas of Expertise: Developing and testing of ehealth programs aimed at symptom management (e.g., management of chronic pain and fatigue) in clinical populations

Development and pilot testing of a web-based symptom management program for multiple sclerosis: My MS toolkit

Feasibility and Usability of a Mobile Application to Assess Symptoms and Affect in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Pilot Study

Fibrofog in Daily Life: An Examination of Ambulatory Subjective and Objective Cognitive Function in Fibromyalgia

“I am excited to benefit from and contribute to the efforts of e-HAIL in terms of developing new partnerships between engineering and medicine to accelerate ehealth innovations. My main focus within this broad aim is to develop, use, and test ehealth technologies to both monitor the symptoms and functioning of patients and to deliver interventions aimed at optimizing symptom management and cognitive, physical, and social functioning. I have an active training program in my lab and am actively recruiting postdoctoral fellows with engineering/medicine collaborations in mind. There are many challenges to developing robust collaborations to advance ehealth initiatives and I am committed to contributing to the mission of the eHail Community.”

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Alanson Sample, Ph.D.) Privacy-Preserving Sensors for the Long-Term Monitoring, Assessment, and Forecasting of Functioning Capabilities of Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis

Andrew Krumm, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Learning Health Sciences

Areas of Expertise: Development and use of measurement systems to support health and education organizations; quality improvement

Surgical Trainee Performance and Alignment With Surgical Program Director Expectations

External Validation of a Widely Implemented Proprietary Sepsis Prediction Model in Hospitalized Patients

A Collaborative Approach to Sharing Learner Event Data

“Given my research interests, I hope to support other members’ ongoing projects and engage in collaborative development of future projects.”

Rahul Ladhania, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Health Management and Policy

Areas of Expertise: Machine Learning for Causal Inference, with applications in behavior science and healthcare

The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on the Nature of New Enrollees’ Emergency Department Use

Learning and Testing Sub-groups with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects: A Sequence of Two Studies

Megastudies improve the impact of applied behavioural science

A 680,000-person megastudy of nudges to encourage vaccination in pharmacies

“Given the e-HAIL program’s aim of bringing together a community of researchers who work on AI/ML advancements in health, I believe my work and partnerships strongly align with it, and the overall objectives of the program. I’m interested in exploring collaborations with members, actively participate in discussions, and identify areas where I could lead, specifically at the intersection of ML and causality for behavior change.”

Janet Larson, Ph.D., R.N.
Professor, Health Behavior and Biological Sciences

Areas of Expertise: Clinical research with people who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), particularly focused on exercise interventions; development of affordable electronic measure of respiratory rate

Upper-Body Resistance Training and Self-Efficacy Enhancement in COPD

Self-efficacy enhancing intervention increases light physical activity in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Feasibility and acceptability of active for life with COPD, an intervention to increase light physical activity in people with COPD

“I would expect to participate in the e-HAIL community building activities including the educational seminars, work-in-progress meetings and the development of competitive research proposals.”

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Mohammed Islam, M.S., Sc.D.) Home/Remote Patient Monitoring Using Simple Respiratory Monitoring Device for COPD Patients & AI Processing for Early Identification of Exacerbations

Mariel Lavieri, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Medical decision making; stochastic control

Dynamic Forecasting and Control Algorithms of Glaucoma Progression for Clinician Decision Support

Optimal Screening for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Restless Bandit Model

Optimal cholesterol treatment plans and genetic testing strategies for cardiovascular diseases

“While I enjoy the creation of new methodology that utilizes health information available to guide sequential decisions over time, I have a key interest in having my research make a difference in the lives of patients and the population. As such, it is crucial for me to work with researchers from different research domains who can ensure that the models my lab creates are not only relevant to the engineering field, but also have the potential of being helpful in practice.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Danielle Haakinson, M.D., Surgery, MM) Optimization of Candidate Selection for Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation

Joyce Lee, M.D., M.P.H.
Professor, Pediatrics

Areas of Expertise: Electronic Health Records (EHR); informatics, analytics; endocrinology; health services research; design

Doctor as Designer

“I am interested in big data collaborations focused on health data related to populations with diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disease.

Jun Li, Ph.D.
Professor, Human Genetics; Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics

Areas of Expertise: Biomedical data science; biostatistics; bioinformatics

Impact of between-tissue differences on pan-cancer predictions of drug sensitivity

Critical limitations of consensus clustering in class discovery

Worldwide human relationships inferred from genome-wide patterns of variation

I see many opportunities for e-HAIL to interact with the genomics, bioinformatics, and data science communities.

Zhongming Liu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Medical imaging, primarily magnetic resonance imaging; machine learning algorithms for medical image analysis and precision health; brain-inspired models for artificial intelligence

Representation learning of resting state fMRI with variational autoencoder

Neural Encoding and Decoding with Deep Learning for Dynamic Natural Vision

Explainable Semantic Space by Grounding Language to Vision with Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning

“I am interested in collecting novel medical images with computational imaging methods and contributing advanced analytical tools for computational neuroscience or medical image analysis.”

Lin Ma, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Database management systems

Self-Driving Database Management Systems

Query-based Workload Forecasting for Self-Driving Database Management Systems

Active Learning for ML Enhanced Database Systems

My research focuses on improving the performance and efficiency of database management systems. A large amount of healthcare data is generated across all health institutions. Besides their quantity, these data may exist in various forms and reside in various locations. Managing these data may require a large amount of storage, complicated and onerous processing steps, and high access latency to gather data from various locations. My specialty in data management may help all these aspects in managing healthcare data, which empowers data-driven healthcare and medical advancement. Furthermore, my past research experience especially focuses on using AI/ML to improve the efficiency and usability of database management systems (i.e., self-tuning databases). There may also be opportunities to use novel AI techniques to make healthcare data management more intelligent and user-friendly.

Prashant Mahajan, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.
Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Health services research, with focus on data science and ML/AI

Association of RNA Biosignatures With Bacterial Infections in Febrile Infants Aged 60 Days or Younger

A Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Febrile Infants 60 Days and Younger at Low Risk for Serious Bacterial Infections

An Operational Framework to Study Diagnostic Errors in Emergency Departments: Findings From A Consensus Panel

“I chair a global emergency research network (www.emergenetwork.org) and I believe collaborating with eHAIL will allow me and the University to expand our impact at a global level.”

2021 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Mohammed Islam, M.S., Sc.C.) A novel contact-less physiological measurement system to be integrated with UM Emergency Department’s proprietary disease screening and risk stratification platform

Maggie Makar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Areas of Expertise: Machine learning (ML) and causal inference, primarily for healthcare applications (guiding decision making in a healthcare setting to broaden patient access to healthcare and improve quality of care for all patient populations)

Exploiting structured data for learning contagious diseases under incomplete testing

Estimating the Causal Effect of Fine Particulate Matter Levels on Death and Hospitalization: Are Levels Below the Safety Standards Harmful?

Association Between the Medicare Hospice Benefit and Health Care Utilization and Costs for Patients with Poor-Prognosis Cancer

“I envision engaging with the e-HAIL community in two main ways: through attending the biweekly e-HAIL meetings and by reaching out to specific e-HAIL members to establish collaborations.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Raymond Jean, M.D., M.H.S., Surgery, MM) Incorporating Machine Learning to Determine Casual Effects in Traume and Emergency General Surgery

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Raymond Jean, M.D.. M.H.S., Surgery, MM) Machine Learning to Determine Causal Effects in Trauma/Emergency General Surgery

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Daniel Clauw, M.D.) Estimating the causal effect of pain interventions in the presence of uncertain Fibromyalgia

Deanna Marriott, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, Nursing, Systems Populations and Leadership

Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics, particularly in relation to diabetes research; AI for data accessibility

Attrition Bias in an Observational Study of Very Low-Energy Diet: A Cohort Study

Computer Modeling of Diabetes and Its Transparency: A Report on the Eighth Mount Hood Challenge

Chronic Disease Modeling and Simulation Software

“I was introduced to e-HAIL through a collaborator, and contributed to the inaugural symposium via a poster presentation and attendance. I hope to connect more of my colleagues with experts through e-HAIL.”

2021 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with V.G. Vinod Vydiswaran, Ph.D.) Prototype data-extraction algorithm using Claim Framework and SemNet framework

Michael Mathis, M.D.
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology

Areas of Expertise: Heart failure; machine learning; waveform processing; medical prediction; outcome variation

Early Detection of Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction Using Perioperative Data Among Noncardiac Surgical Patients: A Machine-Learning Approach

Moving from “Surgeries” to Patients: Progress and Pitfalls While Using Machine Learning to Personalize Transfusion Prediction

Classification of Current Procedural Terminology Codes from Electronic Health Record Data Using Machine Learning

“I look forward to contributing to e-HAIL as a clinician with data science expertise, and hope I can help methodologic experts attending e-HAIL to target clinically relevant healthcare problems and/or give feedback on quality and reliability of healthcare data used to solve such problems.”

Nik Mazumder, M.D., M.P.H.
Instructor, Internal Medicine Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Areas of Expertise: Risk prediction, computational modeling, and AI; disease focus: cirrhosis; portal hypertension; physiology

The answer at our fingertips: Volume status in cirrhosis determined by machine learning and pulse oximeter waveform

Predicting mortality among patients with liver cirrhosis in electronic health records with machine learning

Liver-related mortality is similar among men and women with cirrhosis

“I am interested in improving outcomes for patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension using advanced data techniques. I have a background in biostatistics and epidemiology (MPH) and a certificate in AI/Machine learning with knowledge of R and Python programming languages. I am excited to learn about ways in which advanced prediction techniques can be leveraged to improve clinical care for patients with liver disease.”

Devin McCaslin, Ph.D.
Professor, Chief of Audiology – Otolaryngology

Areas of Expertise: Dizziness, Hearing loss, health care economics; My interests in dizziness, hearing loss, and healthcare economics align seamlessly with the mission of e-HAIL, which seeks to innovate healthcare through AI. By combining my expertise in the development of outcome measures, including AI dizziness triage systems, and my focus on hearing loss, I contribute to the multidisciplinary approach that e-HAIL promotes. The initiative’s emphasis on collaboration and AI methodologies aligns with my goals to explore how machine learning can enhance diagnostics and personalized care in audiology, as well as drive more efficient healthcare solutions.

Development and Preliminary Findings of the Dizziness Symptom Profile

Outcomes and Patient Experience in Individuals with Longstanding Dizziness

A Comparison of Dizziness Handicap Inventory Scores by Categories of Vestibular Diagnoses

“Dizziness; hearing loss; health care economics. Development of outcome measures, including AI dizziness triage systems, Use of machine learning to enhance diagnostics and personalized care in audiology, and drive more efficient healthcare solutions.”

Michael McKee, M.D., M.P.H.
Associate Professor, Family Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Health care accessibility; disability health

Reframing Our Health Care System for Patients with Hearing Loss

Have Almost Fifty Years of Disability Civil Rights Laws Achieved Equitable Care?

Communication Access in Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Facilities for Deaf American Sign Language Users

“My goals are to learn new strategies to help improve health care accessibility and quality for patients with disabilities. This can also extend to home and work environments.”

Geeta Mehta, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Personalized medicine; patient-derived tumoroid models; cancer biology,; mechanobiology, synergistic targeted therapies


Personalized models of heterogeneous 3D epithelial tumor microenvironments: Ovarian cancer as a model

Ovarian cancer stem cells and macrophages reciprocally interact through the WNT pathway to promote pro-tumoral and malignant phenotypes in 3D engineering microenvironments

Integrated cancer tissue engineering models for precision medicine

“My lab creates 3D in vitro ovarian cancer platforms, to study basic tumor biology, examine effects of mechanical stimulation, and discover novel cross talks between various cell types in the tumor microenvironment. Given the focus on the clinical translation and targeted therapies, we collaborate with multiple labs in the Medical School departments and divisions, in order to realize our goal of improving cancer cure rates. Productive collaborations with medical school and engineering labs that have complementary expertise will be essential in conducting the work that we envision. Therefore, I am committed to e-HAIL and its mission of bringing together diverse partners to solve challenging biomedical problems that create large and complex datasets.”

Rada Mihalcea

Rada Mihalcea, Ph.D.
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Natural language processing; computational social science; multimodal processing

Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Online Mental Health Forums

Expressive Interviewing: A Conversational System for Coping with COVID-19

Towards Automatic Detection of Misinformation in Online Medical Videos

2021 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Veronica Perez-Rosas and Lawrence An, M.D.) Exploratory analysis of misinformative health news about COVID-19 from social media platforms

2023 Data Annotation Award (in collaboration with Larry An, M.D., and Kenneth Resnicow, Ph.D.) Scaling-up Data-driven NLP Tools for Behavioral Counselor Training

Zubin Modi, M.D., M.S.
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics

Areas of Expertise: Health Services Research; EHR research,; mobile health research; pediatrics; nephrology. As a researcher of rare diseases using a variety of health technology, I aim to develop multidisciplinary approaches to improve the quality of the research completed as well as develop tools for the early identification and optimal care of children with complex and often asymptomatic severe chronic conditions.

Realizing the promise of real-world data in pediatric kidney disease: a work in progress

The Preserving Kidney Function in Children with CKD (PRESERVE0 Study: Rationale, Design, and Methods

“As a researcher of rare diseases using a variety of health technology, I aim to develop multidisciplinary approaches to improve the quality of the research completed as well as develop tools for the early identification and optimal care of children with complex and often asymptomatic severe chronic conditions. I plan to engage with the e-HAIL community to build collaborative relationships to (i) develop and implement AI methods for research in rare diseases, such as pediatric kidney diseass, and (ii) focus on research in EHR and Mobile Health contexts to improve clinical recognition and appropriate care for children with kidney disease.”

Swati Mody, M.D.
Associate Professor, Radiology

Areas of Expertise: Pediatric radiology, including pediatric neuroradiology, pediatric cardiac imaging, and fetal imaging

Unsupervised abnormality detection in neonatal MRI brain scans using deep learning

“I would like to explore the use of machine learning methods in various sections of Radiology. I am looking into using such methods in assessing bone age, evaluation of scoliosis in radiography, evaluation of neonatal brain MRI, and brain ultrasound.”

Emily Mower Provost, Ph.D.
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Machine learning

Articulatory Coordination for Speech Motor Tracking in Huntington Disease

Automatically Detecting Errors and Disfluencies in Read Speech to Predict Cognitive Impairment in People with Parkinson’s Disease

“I would like to continue to attend e-HAIL meetings and I am interested in identifying new collaborative opportunities.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Sarah Sperry, Ph.D., Psychiatry, MM) Understanding Contextual Influences on Human Emotion Perception and Expression Using Digital Tools

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Sarah Sperry, Ph.D., Psychiatry, MM) Measuring Emotion Variability in Mental Health

2021 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Melvin McInnis, M.D.) Methods to extract information about bipolar disorder discussions from unstructured forum posts (subreddits)

Susan Murphy, Sc.D.
Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Areas of Expertise: I develop digital health interventions and telerehabilitation interventions for chronic condition management. I am in the process of exploring AI in an effort to increase intervention sustainability and scalability.

Effects of a Resilience-Building Energy Management Program on Fatigue and Other Symptoms in Systemic Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Intensive and app-delivered occupational therapy to improve upper extremity function in early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis: a pilot two-arm trial

Experiences of Exergaming for Upper Extremity Exercises in People with Systemic Sclerosis

“I am interested in meeting AI experts, engineers, and biostatisticians to develop AI supported interventions to evolve my current intervention development.”

Kayvan Najarian , Ph.D.
Professor, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics

Areas of Expertise: Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for medical applications through clinical decision support systems and drug discovery and assessment. Resulting AI-based technologies for clinical decision support systems feature advanced signal/image processing 

Brahmajee Nallamothu, M.D.
Professor, Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Data Science; mHealth; digital health; sensors

AngioNet: a convolutional neural network for vessel segmentation in X-ray angiography

Provider Care Team Segregation and Operative Mortality Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

"I am very interested in multidisciplinary collaboration and excited about grant opportunities outside traditional mechanisms."

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with C. Alberto Figueroa, Ph.D.) Machine Learning Methods for Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease using Angiographic Data

Satish Narayanasamy, Ph.D.
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Privacy for ML and data analytics; secure hardware; GPU and accelerators; systems for genome sequencing

SquiggleFilter: An Accelerator for Portable Virus Detection

InvisiPage: oblivious demand paging for secure enclaves

Ultra-rapid somatic variant detection via real-time targeted amplicon sequencing

"Privacy and safety are significant concerns in generative AI. Recent advancements in hardware and software systems (secure enclaves, federated learning) can help aggregate sensitive data from multiple institutions and train ML models on without compromising their privacy. They can also allow clinicians to use LLM models without compromising privacy of their queries, while also allowing model developers to protect their IP from its users."

Matthew O’Meara, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Gilbert S. Omenn Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics

Areas of Expertise: Computational pharmacology; molecular simulations; drug discovery; combining generative AI molecular and simulation to understand molecular biophsyics

Reengineering biocatalysts: Computational redesign of chondroitinase ABC improves efficacy and stability

A Combined Covalent-Electrostatic Model of Hydrogen Bonding Improves Structure Prediction with Rosetta

“Our lab aims to use data science and machine learning to transform fundamental computer science and biophysics insights into practical applications in drug discovery, protein engineering, and characterization of biological function. We envision engaging with e-HAIL to facilitate collaborations across schools/colleges to bring together research teams to develop integrated generative AI foundation models.”

Ramon Ocadiz-Ruiz, Ph.D., MSc
Research Scientist, Biomedical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Cancer biology, early detection of metastasis

Bibliography (NIH)

“I am interested in using AI/LLMs to develop platforms of personalized treatments in cancer patients, to do this I would like to establish collaboration with experts in the e-HAIL community. I am a Cancer Biologist with more than 10 years of experience in several types of cancers, which may be of benefit or a point of collaborating to members of the community.”

Snigdha Panigrahi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Literature, Science, and the Arts – Department of Statistics

Areas of Expertise: High-dimensional decision theory and inference; quantifying uncertainties in outputs from machine learning (ML) methods, broadly aimed at replicable and interpretable learning from complex data. For example, one of my current projects focuses on developing new tools for computing variable importance measures in black box models like random forest, while another project involves creating a new hypothesis testing framework for discovering clusters. While different ML models may have similar predictive abilities, one model might be more interpretable than another. Moreover, predictive accuracy by itself has limited explanatory value, and point estimators with high uncertainties can lead to poor replicability in the future, which is a major concern in high-stakes decision-making. I believe that my current research goals align well with e-HAIL’s mission of developing and applying cutting-edge machine learning innovations in healthcare. Through e-HAIL, I hope to have collaborative opportunities to learn about new health datasets and develop methodologies for replicable and interpretable learning from such data.

Carving model-free inference

Approximate Post-Selective Inference for Regression with the Group LASSO

Selective inference for sparse multitask regression with applications in neuroimaging

“I am eager to participate in e-HAIL events to seek collaborators for projects that require 3D computer vision or generative models.I am seeking collaborations with healthcare scientists through e-HAIL to advance my current research interests and inspire new research. I will bring my expertise in statistical inference to develop new tools for understanding black box ML models and the uncertainties in their output. I also hope to explore collaborative opportunities to gain insights from new health datasets and to formulate methodologies for replicable and interpretable learning from such data. An overarching goal is to introduce tools that enable practitioners to make more reliable high-stakes decisions using various types of ML models tailored for different data types.”

Jeong Joon Park, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Computer Vision; generative Models; computer graphics. Many of these topics are related to medical imaging research

Google Scholars

“I am eager to participate in e-HAIL events to seek collaborators for projects that require 3D computer vision or generative models.”

Alex Peahl, M.D., M.Sc.
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Areas of Expertise: Health services research; improving the efficacy, efficiency, and equity of maternity care through novel methods and interprofessional partnerships with engineering, design, public health and community partners

Designing Prenatal Care for Low-income, Black Patients in Urban Settings Using Human Centered Design

The Effect of Tailored Prenatal Care Policies with Telemedicine on Outpatient Clinic Operations

The Evolution of Prenatal Care Delivery Guidelines in the United States

“I envision bringing expertise in clinical content and interprofessional collaboration to working with the e-Hail community to push the current boundaries of reproductive health research through advanced AI methodologies.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly, Ph.D., CSE) Supporting Reproductive Health Equity: Understanding Access to Reliable Health Information in the Age of Generative AI

Veronica Perez-Rosas, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Scientist, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Natural Language Processing (NLP) for healthcare applications, including conversational analysis, health misinformation detection, multimodal approaches for health behavior prediction

What Makes a Good Counselor? Learning to Distinguish Between High-quality and Low-quality Counseling Conversations

Towards Automation Detection of Misinformation in Online Medical Videos

Template-based ReflectiVE Rewriting for MotiVational IntErviewing

“My research focuses on developing computational methods to analyze, recognize, and predict human behaviors during social interactions. I am interested in collaborating with the e-HAIL community in studying conversational aspects of clinical interactions, prediction and analyses of provider behaviors, as well as designing NLP-based approaches to address misinformation in healthcare.”

John Piette, Ph.D.
Professor of Public Health, Health Behavior and Health Education

Areas of Expertise: Digital support for chronic disease; reinforcement learning; digital solutions in global health; digital mental health and pain management; effective communication (motivational interviewing and CBT)

Patient-Centered Pain Care Using Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Health Tools: Protocol for a Randomized Study Funded by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Health Services Research and Development Program

Technology-Facilitated Depression Self-Management Linked with Lay Supporters and Primary Care Clinics: Randomized Controlled Trial in a Low-Income Sample

Impacts of Post-Hospitalization Accessible Health Technology and Caregiver Support on 90-Day Acute Care Use and Self-Care Assistance

I’m looking forward to building collaborations with experts in AI/RL who can help us move the needle in clinical trials and methodologic studies designed to help RL optimize treatment decisions rapidly and with sparse data.

2023 Data Annotation Award (in collaboration with Veronica Perez-Rosas) Natural Language Processing for Enhanced Behavioral Counseling in Spanish

Jodyn Platt, M.D., M.P.H.
Associate Professor, Learning Health Sciences

Areas of Expertise: Public, patient, and other stakeholder perspectives on policy for data and information in healthcare and the use of AI/ML in Clinical Decision Support

Applying Anti-Racist Approaches to Informatics: A New Lens on Traditional Frames

Discrimination, Trust, and Withholding Information from Providers: Implications for Missing Data and Inequity

“A main goal of my work is to identify factors that influence trust in complex information systems and to develop evidence-based and actionable recommendations that can inform issues of institutional, state, and federal health policy. I look forward to engaging e-HAIL members in this work. I also look forward to collaboration with e-HAIL on our new Trust, Innovation, and Ethical Research for Responsible AI (TIERRA) program.”

Vitaliy Popov, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Learning Health Sciences

Areas of Expertise: Learning sciences, learning analytics, science of team science, computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL), computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), Human-Computer Interaction, team-based clinical simulation training, eXtended Reality

Towards Supporting Intraoperative Coordination and Entrustment in Surgical Faculty-Resident Dyads: Looking Together ≠ Seeing the Same Thing

Extended Reality International Grand Rounds: An Innovative Approach to Medical Education in the Pandemic Era

Taking Stock and Looking Ahead – Evolution of Accreditation Feedback for Simulation Centers Over 8 Years Using Epistemic Network Analysis

I am primarily interested in collaborative efforts within the e-HAIL community to solve research problems in the field of medical education, focusing on the ways in which healthcare professionals collaborate, coordinate, and influence one another to learn and/or perform together, usually in technology rich learning or clinical environments.”I would like to continue to attend e-HAIL meetings and I am interested in identifying new collaborative opportunities.”

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Alanson Sample, Ph.D., EECS, CoE) Multimodal Debriefing System for VR Simulation-based Emergency Training

2021 (extended for 2022) e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Xu Wang, Ph.D.) Data-Driven Assessment Methods for Intraoperative Entrustment of Surgical Residents

2023 Data Annotation Award (in collaboration with Alanson Sample, Ph.D.) AI-enhanced Closed-loop Communication Annotation Tool for Medical Education

Majdi Radaideh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Areas of Expertise: At U-M, I lead the AIMS lab (Artificial Intelligence and Multiphysics Simulations) in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, which focuses on the intersection between nuclear reactor design, multiphysics modeling and simulation, advanced computational methods, and machine learning (ML) algorithms. My multidisciplinary experience in applied machine learning encompasses both numerical and image data, experience with the three AI/ML paradigms (supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement), experience in high-performance computing tools for AI/ML training and deployment, and experience in software engineering to develop open-source tools as part of large AI/ML projects.

Physics-informed reinforcement learning optimization of nuclear assembly design

Neural-based time series forecasting of loss of coolant accidents in nuclear power plants

Rule-based reinforcement learning methodology to inform evolutionary algorithms for constrained optimization of engineering applications

“I envision e-HAIL as a great opportunity to expand my collaborator network, build multidisciplinary grant proposals, explore how my research can be impactful beyond my traditional field, and to see how AI is progressing in other major and data-centric fields like healthcare.”

Sundaresh Ram, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Scientist, Department of Radiology

Areas of Expertise: Signal/Image/Video Processing; Computational Imaging; Medical Imaging; Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning

Quantitative CT Correlates with Local Inflammation in Lung of Patients with Subtypes of Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction

Improved detection of air trapping on expiratory computed tomography using deep learning

Image Denoising Using Superpixel-Based PCA

“I look forward to collaborating with the e-HAIL community on the various healthcare problems and contribute to developing clinically translatable analytical imaging tools that will help answer these questions.”

Karthik Ramani, M.D., M.H.A., M.B.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine – Nephrology

Areas of Expertise: Health Technology; healthcare entrepreneurship; health care strategy relevant to kidney disease and beyond

Considerations in Access Cannulation: Traditional and Evolving Approaches

Global Challenges with Providing Vascular Access Care During COVID Era

Inpatient Diagnosis and Treatment of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection

I am enthusiastic about engaging with e-HAIL initiative, as it aligns perfectly with my commitment to leveraging technology for equitable advancements in healthcare as exemplifed by my work on the app CORE (COnnecting REsearch). By democratizing access to clinical trials, CORE aims to bridge gaps and address disparities in healthcare research. My experience with CORE has not only equipped me with technical skills but has also deepened my understanding of the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, a key focus of the e-HAIL initiative. I am keen on exploring potential synergies between my current and future work and the objectives of e-HAIL.”

Arvind Rao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics

Areas of Expertise: Machine learning for image informatics for biomedical applications; data integration of multi-omics data; bioinformatics and biomedical data science

GaWRDenMap: a quantitative framework to study the local variation in cell-cell interactions in pancreatic disease subtypes

Unsupervised machine learning for identifying important visual features through bag-of-words using histopathology data from chronic kidney disease

Quantifying T2-FLAIR Mismatch Using Geographically Weighted Regression and Predicting Molecular Status in Lower-Grade Gliomas

“I’m interested in engaging e-HAIL colleagues around methods and applications for biomedical data science. We analyze omics, radiology, pathology imaging data and develop predictive models that integrate them in a variety of settings. Another interest is in the application of these tools to global health problems (eg: trial recruitment algorithms using AI on images, automated diagnoses engines).

Andrew Read, M.D., M.S.
Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine Division of Gastroenterology

Areas of Expertise: Development of prediction models using electronic health data; implementation of prediction models into clinical use to improve diagnosis of GI tract cancers

Prediction of Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers Using Longitudinal Electronic Health Record Data

Artificial intelligence and machine learning for early detection and diagnosis of colorectal cancer in sub-Saharan Africa

Testing Practices, Interpretation, and Diagnostic Evaluation of Iron Deficiency Anemia by US Primary Care Physicians

“I am interested in continuing to participate and engage with other members of the e-HAIL community, to improve my understanding of methods used in prediction model development and translation into clinical practice, and develop collaborations for future funding submissions.”

Lionel Robert, Ph.D.
Professor, School of Information

Areas of Expertise: Human-robot interaction; human-AI interaction

A Systemic Review of Human and Robot Personality in Health Care Human-Robot Interaction

Bridging the Health Disparity of African Americans Through Conversational Agents

“As robots become increasingly central to healthcare it seems timely and important to understand how to effectively employ these robots. I am interested in collaborating with healthcare researchers who are deploying robots in their workplaces and want to better understand how to deploy more effectively.”

Alexander Rodríguez, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Areas of Expertise: AI for public health; computational epidemiology; spatiotemporal machine learning; scientific machine learning; uncertainty quantification

DeepCOVID: An Operational Deep Learning-driven Framework for Explainable Real-time COVID-19 Forecasting

Data-Centric Epidemic Forecasting: A Survey

Differentiable Agent-based Epidemiology

“I am excited to collaborate with e-HAIL to innovate in public and clinical health, developing dependable AI solutions that integrate both population and patient-specific data.”

Michael Rubyan, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Public Health, Health Management and Policy

Areas of Expertise: Healthcare provider behavior change; implementation science; online responsive platforms adapting LLMs; community engagement; mobile apps

A Conceptual Framework for Clinical and Translational Virtual Community Engagement Research

Surgeon Behaviors Related to Engaging Patients in Smoking Cessation at the Time of Elective Surgery

“I envision engaging in interdisciplinary research that adapts and incorporates AI, ML, and LLMs to change provider behavior. I am interested in collaborating with other members to identify areas where we can innovate, and advance novel approaches for reforming the healthcare delivery system using AI, ML, and LLMs.”

Alanson Sample, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Computer science; embedded systems; machine learning

Interactive Sensing & Computing Lab

“I’m collaborating with colleagues in the Med School and looking forward to attending the e-HAIL meetings.

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Vitally Popov, Ph.D., DLHS, MM) Multimodal Debriefing System for VR Simulation-based Emergency Training

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Anna Kratz, Ph.D.) Privacy-Preserving Sensors for the Long-Term Monitoring, Assessment, and Forecasting of Functioning Capabilities of Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis

2023 Data Annotation Award (in collaboration with Vitally Popov, Ph.D.) AI-enhanced Closed-loop Communication Annotation Tool for Medical Education

Liyue Shen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Areas of Expertise: Biomedical AI, encompassing machine learning; computer vision; signal and image processing; medical image analysis; biomedical imaging, and data science

NeRP: Implicit Neural Representation Learning with Prior Embedding for Sparsely Sampled Image Reconstruction IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

Solving Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging with Score-Based Generative Models International Conference on Learning Representations

Attention-Guided Deep Learning for Gestational Age Prediction using Fetal Brain MRI

“The goal for my research is to develop efficient and reliable AI/ML-driven computational methods for biomedical imaging and informatics to tackle real-world biomedicine and healthcare problems, including but not limited to, personalized cancer treatment and precision medicine. I am excited to collaborate and contribute to the e-HAIL community.

Max Shtein, Ph.D.
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Materials, wearable technology, digital manufacturing, pharmaceutical

Developable Rotationally Symmetric Kirigami-Based Structures as Sensor Platforms

Printing of Small Molecular Medicines from the Vapor Phase

Reinforcement Learning Enabled Autonomous Manufacturing Using Transfer Learning and Probablistic Reward Modeling

“I am working on wearable health sensor technology and on digitally-enabled, additive manufacturing of personalized medicines. I am also working toward a large research center focused on personalized medicine, home care, and the future of clinical trials. Through e-HAIL, I hope to establish collaborations with AI researchers on campus who are interested in working on healthcare challenges.”

Karandeep Singh, M.D., MMSc
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Learning Health Sciences

Areas of Expertise: Development, evaluation, and implementation of machine learning models within electronic health record (EHR) systems in support of a learning health system

External Validation of a Widely Implemented Proprietary Sepsis Prediction Model in Hospitalized Patients

Development and Validation of Models to Predict Pathological Outcomes of Radical Prostatectomy in Regional and National Cohorts

Predicting persistant opioid use after surgery using electronic health record and patient-reported data

“I look forward to being part of the e-HAIL community both to learn and to contribute. I envision being engaged in many aspects of e-HAIL.”

Geoffrey Siwo, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine

Areas of Expertise: Development and application of AI/ML methods to clinical medicine and global health datasets with an emphasis on low-resource settings

Leveraging crowdsourcing to accelerate global health solutions

Generative AI Design and Exploration of Nucleoside Analogs

Hackathons as a means of accelerating scientific discoveries and knowledge transfer

“I hope to establish new collaborative projects with other members of the U-M research community to in the long-term, collectively address critical barriers in e-Health, and in the short-term, develop grant proposals to support such activities.”

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Ji Zhu, Ph.D., Statistics, LSA) Leveraging Generative AI to Simulate Patient Trajectories from Routine Clinical Lab Tests

Michael Sjoding, M.D.
Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care

Areas of Expertise: Application of machine learning to critical care; Bias in algorithms and healthcare technologies; use of chest radiographs in machine learning

All models in health care are not colour blind and we should not be either

Combining chest X-rays and electronic health record (EHR) data using machine learning to diagnose acute respiratory failure

Deep learning to detect acute respiratory distress syndrome on chest radiographs: a retrospective study with external validation

I am interested in bringing new data types and computational approaches to address clinical problems in pulmonary and critical care medicine. I am also committed to fostering collaborations between experts in medicine and artificial intelligence/machine learning.

Data Annotation Award (in collaboration with David Fouhey, Ph.D.) Understanding the Role of AI Explanations in AI-clinician Collaborations

Sarah Sperry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry

Areas of Expertise: Emotion detection via digital tools (smartphones, wearable devices); personalized medicine in bipolar disorder; use of intensive longitudinal data, electronic health record data, and digital data to predict illness trajectory

Bipolar spectrum psychopathology is associated with altered emotion dynamics across multiple timescales

Prospective Validation of an Electronic Health Record-Based, Real-Time Suicide Risk Model

Affective dynamics in bipolar spectrum psychopathology: Modeling inertia, reactivity, variability, and instability in daily life

“e-HAIL will provide me with the opportunity to work with collaborators outside of my field to improve diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of mental health conditions using AI and data science approaches.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Emily Mower Provost, Ph.D., CSE, CoE) Understanding Contextual Influences on Human Emotion Perception and Expression Using Digital Tools

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Emily Mower Provost, Ph.D., CSE, CoE) Measuring Emotion Variability in Mental Health

Ryan Stidham, M.D., M.S.
Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology

Areas of Expertise: Digital health in medicine, including developing new data sources and leveraging unstructured data from clinical imaging; clinical imaging acquisition, manipulation, and analysis (CT, MRI, and ultrasound imaging); medical video research (video signals processing, data standardization and compression, I/O, UI/UX). Commercial applications of digital health and collaborations with medical industry partners.

Performance of a Deep Learning Model vs. Human Reviewers in Grading Endoscopic Disease Severity of Patients With Ulcerative Colitis

Assessing Small Bowel Stricturing and Morphology in Crohn’s Disease Using Semi-automated Image Analysis

Motion-based camera localization system in colonoscopy videos

“I am 100% committed to high impact innovation and developing new, not iterative, technologies and methods in health care. I envision serving as another bridge between medicine and engineering (hardware/software) to solve shared problems, as I most enjoy projects where there are opportunities for innovation in both engineering and medicine. Specifically, I can envision aiding in clinical data collection, assessment, and clinical trial design for EE/CS or Mech-E engineering partners to address their needs with consideration of testing needed for clinical use and regulatory filings.”

J. Scott VanEpps, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine

Areas of Expertise: My laboratory is motivated to develop novel approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening infection. Our work is characterized by three specific areas of investigation: (1) Antimicrobial nanoparticles; (2) In situ treatment strategies for medical device infections; and (3) Rapid diagnostics for bacteria infections and sepsis.

Sepsis Trajectory Prediction Using Privileged Information and Continuous Physiological Signals

Unifying Structural Descriptors for Biological and Bioinspired Nanoscale Complexes

Improved Diagnostic Prediction of the Pathogenicity of Bloodstream Isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis

“The transdisciplinary nature of my research program and expertise lends itself to multiple collaborations, including as co-I on an NIH R01 to predict outcomes in pediatric sepsis based on a combination of host and pathogen features using machine learning. I look forward to continueing and expanding this very successful approach by working with the e-HAIL initiative.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Angela Violi, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering) Health at the Atomic Level: Nanoscale Interactions Using ML

Mark Van Oyen, Ph.D.
Professor, Industrial & Operations Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Sequential/longitudinal medical decision making through machine learning;; adaptive learning with optimization, and systems modeling and control (diseases include chronic kidney disease, third line drug blood pressure control for diabetics, open angle glaucoma, normal tension glaucoma, ocular hypertension, and age-related macular degeneration). Healthcare operations engineering and management (health system operations include: Emergency Department redesign; “in-advance” appointment scheduling,; system-wide patient flow prediction and admissions control; clinical research unit operations; coordinated care for integrated care systems; and more).

Dynamic Monitoring and Control of Irreversible Chronic Diseases with Application to Glaucoma

Online Resource Allocation with Personalized Learning

Complexity-Augmented Triage: A Tool for Improving Patient Safety and Operational Efficiency

Angela Violi, Ph.D.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Molecular simulations and applied machine learning; nanoparticles; biological systems and biophysics

On Drug-Membrane Permeability of Antivirals for SARS-CoV-2

A deep learning architecture for metabolic pathway prediction

“I am interested in learning more about the community, the problems they face, connect with clinicians, and build a deeper understanding of the methodologies used in the field.”

2024 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Scott J. VanEpps, M.D., Ph.D., Emergency Medicine, MM) Health at the Atomic Level: Nanoscale Interactions Using ML

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Thomas Schmidt, Ph.D., Microbiology and Epidemiology, MM) On the Relationship Between Supplement Consumption and Gut Microbiome

V.G. Vinod Vydiswaran, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Learning Health Sciences

Areas of Expertise: Natural Language Processing; health text analysis; Artificial Intelligence; information trustworthiness

Multicenter Validation of Natural Language Processing Algorithms for the Detection of Common Data Elements in Operative Notes for Total Hip Arthroplasty: Algorithm Development and Validation

Uncovering the relationship between food-related discussion on Twitter and neighborhood characteristics

Human versus machine editing of electronic prescription directions

“I envision actively engaging with researchers, postdocs, and students on brainstorming AI and informatics-based solutions to health care challenges, participating regularly in eHAIL meetings, and contributing to research and training mission of e-HAIL.”

2021 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Deanna Marriott, Ph.D.) Prototype data-extraction algorithm using Claim Framework and SemNet framework

Akbar Waljee

Akbar Waljee, M.D., M.Sc.
Professor, Internal Medicine – Gastroenterology

Areas of Expertise: AI and Health; using longitudinal data in low resource settings

Adapted time-varying covariates Cox model for predicting future cirrhosis development performs well in a large hepatitis C cohort

Assessment of a Deep Learning Model to Predict Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Hepatitis C Cirrhosis

Performance of a Deep Learning Model vs Human Reviewers in Grading Endoscopic Disease Severity of Patients With Ulcerative Colitis

“Meeting new people, developing new methods that are applicable to risk models using AI in low resource settings.”

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Ji Zhu, Ph.D.) AI/ML methodologies to predict chronic hepatitis B (CHB) disease progression in Africa

Xu Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Human-centered computing, clinician training in medical contexts

Towards Supporting Intraoperative Coordination and Entrustment in Surgical Faculty-Resident Dyads: Looking Together Together Does Not Equal Seeing the Same Thing

Towards Process-Oriented, Modular, and Versatile Question Generation that Meets Educational Needs

Practice-Based Teacher Questioning Strategy Training with ELK: A Role-Playing Simulation for Eliciting Learner Knowledge

“I am interested in 1) learning what is going on in the research community on topics related to AI + health; and 2) forming collaborations with medical collaborators.”

2021 (extended for 2022) e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Vitally Popov, Ph.D.) Data-Driven Assessment Methods for Intraoperative Entrustment of Surgical Residents

Josh Welch, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics

Areas of Expertise: Machine learning; deep generative models; tensors; genomic data analysis

Iterative single-cell multi-omic integration using online learning

Variational Mixtures of ODEs for Inferring Cellular Gene Expression Dynamics

Multi-omic single-cell velocity models epigenome-transcriptome interactions and improves cell fate prediction

“My research aims to develop machine learning approaches for modeling and learning from single-cell genomic data.

Jenna Wiens

Jenna Wiens, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Associate Director of the AI lab, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Machine learning for healthcare

Early identification of patients admitted to hospital for covid-19 at risk of clinical deterioration: model development and multisite external validation study

Model Selection for Offline Reinforcement Learning: Practical Considerations for Healthcare Settings

Clinician-in-the-Loop Decision Making: Reinforcement Learning with Near-Optimal Set-Valued Policies

“Our current research portfolio focuses on major public health problems – including infectious disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes, among others. We develop and apply state-of-the-art AI/ML methods to analyze large longitudinal health datasets. Our work spans several aspects of AI including time-series analysis, reinforcement learning, computer vision, and causal inference. We aim to develop the computational methods needed to help organize, process, and transform data into actionable knowledge with the ultimate goal of improving health.”

Maria Woodward, M.D., M.Sc.
Associate Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Science

Areas of Expertise: Diagnosis and monitoring of corneal diseases

Development and Validation of a Model to Predict Anterior Segment Vision-Threatening Eye Disease Using Primary Care Clinical Notes

Measurement Reliability for Keratitis Morphology

Natural Language Processing to Quantify Microbial Keratitis Measurements

“I actively use ML/AI tools in my research and want to be part of the community.”

Zhenke Wu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Public Health, Biostatistic

Areas of Expertise: Bayesian methods; large-scale computing; causal inference; sequential decision making; reinforcement learning; EHR/claims data

Effectiveness of gamified competition in the context of mHealth intervention for medical interns: a microrandomized trial

Probabilistic cause-of-disease assignment using case-control diagnostic tests: a hierarchical Bayesian approach

Tree-Informed Bayesian Multi-Source Domain Adaptation: Cross-population Probabilistic Cause-of-death Assignment using Verbal Autopsy

“I am interested in seeing and understanding where statistical/machine learning tools can help with unmet clinical needs. For this, I like the mix of clinicians, scientists, and engineers in this group. I also hope to understand the obstacles in translating methodological innovations into clinical contexts.”

Stella Yu, Ph.D.
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Expertise: Computer vision; machine learning

Predicting Demographics from Meibography Using Deep Learning

Self-Supervised Feature Learning and Phenotyping for Assessing Age-Related Macular Degeneration Using Retinal Fundus Images

Meibography Phenotyping and Classification from Unsupervised Discriminative Feature Learning

“I am interested in enabling medical researchers to discover patterns from data with minimal human supervision.”

Justine Zhang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, School of Information

Areas of Expertise: Natural language processing; computational social science. I’m eager to draw on these areas to provide insights on interactions that take place in healthcare contexts.

Finding Your Voice: The Linguistic Development of Mental Health Counselors

Balancing Objectives in Counseling Conversations: Advancing Forwards or Looking Backwards

Quantifying the Causal Effects of Conversational Tendencies

“My research focuses on analyzing conversations with computational methods, and on examining the role these conversations play in broader social systems. Healthcare settings contain many examples of interactions, and I’d like to find collaborators who can help me navigate these settings and access data, and whose research interests I can support and complement.

Zheng Zhang, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology

Areas of Expertise: Epic-based analytics, clinical implementation.

A Windows GUI application for real-time image guidance during motion-managed proton beam therapy

Data Farming to Table: Combined Use of a Learning Health System Infrastructure, Statistical Profiling, and Artificial Intelligence for Automating Toxicity and 3-year Survival for Quantified Predictive Feature Discovery from Real-World Data for Patients Having Head and Neck Cancers

“I am interested in continuous quality improvement within the clinic by implementing novel approaches and findings from within the e-HAIL community. The e-HAIL community offers a vast pool of expertise and the tremendous opportunity to close the discovery-to-implementation gap.

Chuan Zhou, Ph.D.
Research Professor, Radiology

Areas of Expertise: Diagnostic decision support; machine learning including deep learning, quantitative image analysis, prediction of disease progression, risk stratification, treatment response assessment and treatment decision making and monitoring

Hybrid U-Net-based deep learning model for volume segmentation of lung nodules in CT images

Pathologic categorization of lung nodules: Radiomic descriptors of CT attenuation distribution patterns of solid and subsolid nodules in low-dose CT

Quantitative Analysis of MR Imaging to Assess Treatment Response for Patients with Multiple Myeloma by Using Dynamic Intensity Entropy Transformation: A Preliminary Study

“I am very interested in multidisciplinary collaboration that integrates artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, quantitative analysis of bioinformatics, and computer vision in the development of computerized decision support systems and predictive models to design and optimize the pathway for disease diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and prognosis, using multidimensional data.”

Jiayu Zhou, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
School of Information

Areas of Expertise: AI, Machine Learning, Health Informatics

Patient Subtyping via Time-Aware LSTM Networks

Modeling disease progression via multi-task learning

Scalable diagnostic screening of mild cognitive impairment using AI dialogue agent

“As a researcher at the intersection of health informatics and artificial intelligence (AI) at the University of Michigan, I am deeply interested in contributing to and collaborating within the e-HAIL community. My research focuses on developing scalable, generalizable, and privacy-preserving AI methodologies that can be applied to healthcare data. I envision engaging with e-HAIL by collaborating on interdisciplinary projects that leverage machine learning to address critical challenges in health, such as disease progression modeling, early diagnosis, and personalized treatment. Given my extensive experience in applying AI to aging-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, I look forward to working with e-HAIL members on grant development, particularly in the areas of multi-modal data fusion and federated learning, which are key to unlocking new insights from large-scale, heterogeneous healthcare datasets. Additionally, I am excited about the opportunities e-HAIL provides for finding collaborators across disciplines and receiving support for grant writing and student mentoring. I believe that my background in building AI-driven solutions for healthcare, combined with e-HAIL’s infrastructure and collaborative ecosystem, will create impactful innovations in both AI methodology and healthcare outcomes.”

Xiang Zhou, Ph.D.
Professor, Public Health, Department of Biostatistics

Areas of Expertise: AI; LLMs; Machine Learning; statistics; biostatistics; genomics; genetics.

Statistical analysis of spatial expression patterns for spatially resolved transcriptomic studies

Spatially informed cell-type deconvolution for spatial transcriptomics

MESuSiE enables scalable and powerful multi-ancestry fine-mapping of causal variants in genome-wide association studies

“Our research focuses on leveraging computational tools–including large language models (LLMs) and other advanced statistical and machine learning techniques–to extract meaningful insights from complex biomedical data, ultimately driving advancements in precision medicine and healthcare. We aim to establish extensive collaborations within the e-HAIL community, particularly with medical doctors, clinicians, and experimental biologists. By integrating their expertise with our computational approaches, we hope to accelerate discoveries, improve patient outcomes, and contribute to the translation of data-driven innovations into real-world medical applications.”

Ji Zhu

Ji Zhu, Ph.D.
Susan A. Murphy Professor of Statistics, Literature, Science and the Arts

Areas of Expertise: Statistical Machine Learning

SODEN: A Scalable Continuous-Time Survival Model Through Ordinary Differential Equation Networks

Prediction Models for Network-Linked Data

Clinical applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning-based methods in inflammatory bowel disease

“I have been working with clinicians for the past 10+ years on applying statistical ML methods to address clinically meaningful problems. These have been fruitful and rewarding experiences, and I look forward to continuing the collaborations as well as exploring new opportunities.”

2023 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Geoffrey Siwo, Ph.D., Internal Medicine, MM) Leveraging Generative AI to Simulate Patient Trajectories from Routine Clinical Lab Tests

2022 e-HAIL Student Summer Support Program Award (in collaboration with Akbar Waljee, M.D., M.Sc.) AI/ML methodologies to predict chronic hepatitis B (CHB) disease progression in Africa