e-HAIL Symposium 2023
On Friday, September 15, 120 faculty, staff, and students from the Medical School, the College of Engineering, and a range of other Schools and Colleges, attended the 2nd annual e-HAIL symposium, New Directions in AI for Health Equity.
Two well-attended keynotes bookmarked the event. You can watch the keynotes here:
15+ Years in the Making – When Will the Digital Mental Health Revolution Deliver on Its Promise
Tanzeem Choudhury, PhD, Roger and Joelle Burnell Chair in Integrated Health and Technology, Director of the People-Aware Computing group and Precision Behavioral Health Initiative, Cornell University
Health AI Bias: Origins, Impact, and Solutions
Judy Wawira Gichoya, MD, MS
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
The second keynote was followed immediately by an expert panel discussion (discussion begins at 40:13 in the video) moderated by Geoffrey Siwo, Ph.D., U-M, with panelists Mohd Anwar, North Carolina A&T State University; Judy Gichoya, Emory; Brad Newsome, NIH Fogarty; Jodyn Platt, U-M; and Wendy Nilsen, NSF Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS).

True to e-HAIL’s mission of accelerating interdisciplinary research collaborations in AI and health through opportunities for engagement, the middle part of the symposium provided active conversations and presentation of new research ideas in search of collaborators.

The e-HAIL members below facilitated focused table conversations about relevant issues at the intersection of AI and Health.
Nikola Banovic, PhD- Explainable AI
Sriram Chandrasekaran, PhD – Multimodal AI
Mariel Lavieri, PhD – Bringing AI models into practice
Mike Mathis – The Clinician and Dataset Shift in Artificial Intelligence
Arvind Rao, PhD – Human-AI teaming in healthcare
Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBE – Data Biases and Data Justice
Karandeep Singh, MD, MMSc – AI Governance and Regulation
Mike Sjoding, MD – Evaluating Large Language Model Readiness to support healthcare in practice
Stella Yu, PhD – Large-scale models and beyond for medical researchers

A research showcase provided e-HAIL members a chance to present new research ideas – healthcare problems looking for a solution, and algorithmic innovations looking for a problem. These members included: Elizabeth Bondi, PhD; Michael Burns, MD, PhD; Raymond Jean, MD, MHS; Charles Mayo, PhD; Nik Mazumder, MD, MPH; JJ Park, PhD; Nicholson Price, PhD, JD; Andrew Read, MD; Alex Rodriguez, PhD; Liyue Shen, PhD; and Joshua Welch, PhD.
A poster session where teams of students and postdocs presented impressive, recent work immediately followed the showcase. You can see the full list of posters here.

Contact J. Henrike Florusbosch, Ph.D., e-HAIL Program Manager, at jflorusb@umich.edu.