e-HAIL Event

What A Grant Writer Can Do for You

J. Henrike Florusbosch, PhDe-HAIL Program ManagerMichigan Medicine/College of EngineeringHossam Abouzahr, MA, MPPe-HAIL Grant WriterMichigan Medicine/College of Engineering
Faculty dyads consisting of an AI and health expert can request grant development services to support (multi-PI) applications for research at the intersection of AI and health.
Attend the virtual drop-in office hours (Meeting ID: 937 9370 0889) on Friday, February 23 from 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM, to learn more about what a grant writer can do for you in terms of planning, writing, and editing support.
If you are planning to submit a grant in the upcoming academic year, use the intake form to request grant writing assistance (if prompted, use level 1 login credentials).


J. Henrike Florusbosch