e-HAIL Event
Award Opportunities Office Hours
This event is free and open to the publicAdd to Google Calendar
Learn about two unique e-HAIL award opportunities during a short presentation, followed by a Question & Answer session.
Supplement Awards:
What: Up to 30K to support to cover additional necessary expenses not allowed on the grant and/or to fund ancillary activities that would increase the impact of the grant.
Who: Faculty dyads consisting of one (or more) AI experts and one (or more) Health experts who are both/all e-HAIL members holding an active extramural award.
Data Set Creation Awards:
What: Up to 5K in data annotation credits (through Mechanical Turk, Prolific, or other service) and/or to cover other means of creating a data set for preliminary work.
Who: Faculty dyads consisting of one (or more) AI experts and one (or more) Health experts (both/all e-HAIL members) who are preparing a joint grant application in the next academic year (2024/25).
Join the Zoom meeting here (no passcode, waiting room enabled).